The lake level is 552.86 and has risen 1-inch in the last 24-hours with a little over 3-hours of running 3/4 of a generator. We received a total of 0.8 inches of rain total from yesterday afternoon and last night. There was lightening and thunder but no damage. The White River at Newport is 4.05 feet. They always quit generating when it rains for some reason. I waited until the Arkansas Bass Nation Tournament was about over to go out. When it gets close to over those boys move fast. They roar into a creek, drop their trolling motors, beat the bank for a few minutes and pick up the trolling motors and roar off. Some of them did well and 19.92 pounds won the two day tournament and 5.99 pounds was the big bass. That is pretty good. The club total was 61.25 pounds and 147 boats caught 1,253 pounds. That is a lot of fish and 8.52 pounds /boat. A lot of Kentucky Bass were caught. I went out about 3:PM and spooned a couple of close brush piles as the rain was on it's way. The surface water temperature was 67-degrees and both the main lake and part way back in the creeks were clear looking from the surface. I could see my spoon about 6-feet down. Three keeper bass, two nice crappie, several good bluegill and a warmouth were caught until it rained me out at about 4:PM. They were all released in Tom Kelly's Trophy pond. A lot of fish were caught out of it this year and I alway restock it in the fall and winter. It will be ready again by spring. It is cloudy and cool today with the rain moving out and a few days of nice mild weather are to come after that. There was fog this morning. The full moon is November 8th for you striper fishermen and just before and up to it is your best chance to catch shallow fish near the bank in the late evening and just after dark slow rolling a stick bait. Walleye will be in the same place and will bite on shadowy banks on soft plastics in the evening. Walleye fish until just before dark and then switch to a stick bait before it is too dark to see in order to make sure your lure is running true. If it pulls off to the side you will be wasting your time. Just north of Cranfield Island is a good place to start by the wallye rearing pond. Blackburns is still the home of the $59/day one bedroom and the $77/day two bedroom cabins and will try and keep our prices low for as long as possible for you while still making continuous improvements. A free stall for your boat also comes with your cabin. You will like what you see when you get here. We are proud of this place. Why pay more?