Mike with a good one.
The lake level is 552.74 and has dropped 3/4 inch in the last 24-hours with 3-1/2 hours of running 3/4 of a generator. The White River at Newport is 3.48 feet so they are not letting much out into the rivers. We are to get significant rain later tonight and tomorrow an they always seem to quit generating when it rains. It is very dry and if it does not come too fast much of it will sink in. A couple of inches in a two day period sure will not hurt anything. It was windy again yesterday and hard to fish in my best areas. My place where I had been getting big walleye for a couple of weeks was empty. They packed up and left and took the children and other fish with them. I tried the other side thinking the wind had moved the baitfish across the lake but still no fish. The surface water temperature was 69 degrees on the main lake point where I was fishing and as I moved back into the creek it kept increasing to 71-degrees where the warm sun had warmed up the shallower water more quickly than the deep main lake. The reverse happens when it gets cold and this warming does not happen often in late October. I checked a brush pile back in the creek in 20-25 feet and some nice fish were in front of it in shallow water just at the drop-off. The water was much more stained than on the clear main lake. Crappie, bass and walleye were all there. As I went shallower more bass were on the first drop-off where the water was the warmest and the wind had been blowing into for several days. It was a nice, warm, sunny, windy day and not typical for late October. You can bet I will keep checking out main lake brush as the water cools and the creeks cool faster than the main lake and the fish move back. There will be a lot of fish in Blackburns Creek after the wind moves back from the north for a few days and it will. Trollers check out from Mallard Point to Cranfield Island in the open water on shad for Temperate Bass. They are mostly smaller hybrids and some nice sized white bass. Bass fishermen are pounding the wind blown banks back in the creeks with crankbaits and single spins. There should be a lot of fish caught the next couple of days before the high pressure moves in bringing cooler sunny weather. Fish until it rains you out. Blackburns is still the home of the $59/day one beroom cabins and the $77/day two bedrooms and they come with a free boat stall. The cabins all have big covered decks and are individual with no duplexes. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for reservations. Why pay more unless you just have too much money?