Mike with some nice ones Scuba Diving Yesterday. We know where the fish are because we are right down there with them
The lake level is 554.70 and is exactly what it was at this time yesterday with no generation after yesterday evening. The White River at Newport is 4.77 ft. and is very low. They are doing a great job of holding the area lake levels up as high as they can for as long as they can in case we get a big rain they can flood us out again. This cannot be just bad management, it must be intensional. At least it is at a good level at this time but it took a long times to get here. The visibility has diminshed the last couple of days but it is still pretty good for fishing and scuba diving. If you are diving stay on river channel steep rocky banks for the best visibility. I went from Cranfield to past Robinson Point and did not see any difference. It gets much worse very quickly as you start back into the creeks. The walleye, crappie, kentucky bass and bluegill have all moved in a little shallower the last couple of days. What was in 27-30 ft. of water is now at 20-25 ft. but still on the same brush. The crappie moved from open water on shad to brush with other bait fish about one month ago and the fishing has gotten better everyday since. Some walleye and crappie are on shoreline brush but almost every main lake point brush pile that has a bottom at 35-ft and a top of 20-ft. are holding a lot of fish. Bink reports catching some nice walleye yesterday on the main lake in 40-ft. of water right on the bottom. He says he is only getting small fish back in the creeks and is sticking with main lake points. He says the stripers are schooled and roaming all over the lake. He finds a school and catches one and they are gone. He reports some trollers are dragging live bait and lures around the dam but are not catching much. The walleye are biting on his 3/8 th ounce and 1/2 ounce spoons Arkansas Shiners. He fishes about 25-miles away from where I do and there can be a lot of difference. Blackburns has one cabin open now so give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 so you do not have to pay more elsewhere. If you are staying at a place where you are nearly the only customer you are either paying too much or in the wrong place. 1-bedroom cabins are $59/day and are very nice.