This person did not stay at Blackburns and paid $30/day too much and stayed in a duplex with no covered porch and paid for his boat stall.
The lake level is 554.70 and has dropped 3/4 inch in the last 24-hours with 1/2 generator running about 1/2 the time. They have cut way back and the White River at Newport is 5.44 feet and about ready to dry up. Southwestern Power must not need any electricity anywhere. The water temperature was 81+ degrees yesterday afternoon when I went out and it was a beautiful day. I saw three boats. One was skiing, one was dragging an overweight child around on a chaise lounge and one other fisherman. The water clarity had diminished just a bit but was just right for spearfishing. I went to a different place and did not see as many crappie and walleye as I had last week but big Kentucky Bass were everywhere along with some largemouth and big schools of large bluegill. I tried part way back in a creek but will go back to main lake points today. The fish numbers seemed to diminish as I went back around the point to the inside as did the visibility. The clarity was about the same from the surface to 30-ft. I did not go down further than 30-ft. I saw two walleye and two crappie and one walleye was short. I know where there are more fish but like to check out different places and do not see how many fish I can kill. It is nice to just be out there. The water is perfect. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental is full again right now but has one opening starting tomorrow so come on down. We will not charge you too much and a free stall comes with your cabin. If you are staying at a place where you are nearly the only customer you are either paying too much or in the wrong place. Stop by and check us out. You will be welcome and we especially welcome Veterans and Police. Why pay more? Main lake brush piles continue to hold the most fish especially right on points at 25-30 feet.