Scuba Steve with some pretty good ones.
The lake level is 555.49 and has dropped 3/4 inch in the last 24-hours with no generation since yesterday afternoon. We are now back in the power pool of 555.75 after the 3-inch rain last week and Southwest Power is now back in charge of the generation and cut it way back again after they returned from their long holiday weekend. One thing about working for the government is they get plenty of days off and need them after the stress of their jobs of telling working people what they have to do. The White River at Newport is at 7.35 feet and they continue to hold the area lakes up as high as they can for as long as they can. We should be at below 552 at this time of year. What a difference a day makes. The lake went from a madhouse to quiet in just one day. The lake is churned up from the boats and the clarity is gone but I hope it will get better soon. I will let you know. Crappie fishing is still pretty good on the main lake in brush at 27-30 feet with small spoons, jigs, grubs and live minnows on a slip float. The full moon is the 10th and it is getting big and the catfishing has slowed a bit but not stopped. They like the slowly dropping water level better than fast dropping but really like slowly rising levels and cloudy, moonless nights and live bluegill. If you drop-shot the jugs and put the weight on the bottom and put short lines about 3-feet apart starting about 3-4 feet from the weight up about 12-15 feet you will catch more fish than just tying the hook on the bottom with the weight above. You are also fishing at different depths. Drop-shotting allows the jug to be blown towards the bank and then get hung up on either the bottom or something else and you are still fishing. Otherwise you are just snagged. If the wind is blowing into the creek go to the mouth of the creek to set your jugs. If it is blowing out go in the backs of the creeks at depths deeper than your weight and let then blow out into deeper water to maximixe the time they are at the right water depth. Bait up just before dark. If you get back from setting the lines when it is getting dark you are just right. The same goes for trot lines and throw lines. Trot lines go across the backs of creeks with a weight in the middle to keep them down and throw lines go straight out from the bank. Throw lines are good because bass fishermen usually do not get hung up on them and you are also fishing at different depths. If a jug is gone in the morning do not assume somebody took it but head out to the main lake in deep water and look for it. They usually go downstream. Gar are the curse of the jug fisherman. Shiners and brooders with work in the absence of bluegills. It is legal to use bluegill under 4-inches for bait caught by a net or over 4-inches if caught by a hook and pole. It used to be larger but it changed a few years ago. Not sure why but I like 3-inch bluegill the best and a 2-0 hook. I am not a fan of sickle hooks. If you do this before the water gets cold you will catch fish. Pull your jugs daily before sunrise. It is fun. Some resorts slow way down after Labor day but not Blackburns. We were full for the holiday but had almost as many come in as left. We only have a few cabins open now. People are taking advantage of the $59/day one bedroom cabins and $77 two bedroom cabins that come with a boat stall at our dock for free. Some people charge for the first stall. We are not trying to grub as much money out of our customers as we can get but want them to be able to have a nice economical vacation. Deluxe, three bedrooms and four bedrooms are prices accordingly. All have big covered porches and are individual with no duplexes that have bathrooms backing up to each other and shared non-covered porches. I do not like to get that cozy with my neighbor. Blackburns has many brush piles put in for your fishing pleasure and will show you where they are when you get here and help you catch fish. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and Veterans and Police are expecially welcome. It is nice here.