Scuba Steve with a couple of pretty good ones on Friday.
The lake level is 555.60 and has risen about 8-inches in the last 24-hours with just a couple of hours of generstion. They always quit generating when it rains in order to have the lake rise as much as possible. We are almost back up past the power pool again. We received 3-inches of rain yesterday and last night here at Blackburns with 2.69 in town. We always seem to get more in this valley near the lake. The creeks run fairly hard last evening but have quit now. It came down fast with a lot of runoff. It is gone now but there are good chances of showers this afternoon. There were some power outages with trees in the lines but everything is back on now. It did not affect the resort. The White River at Newport is 7.23 feet and they are not letting much water out anywhere. Keep spooning main lake points in 27-ft. of water. I do not know what the rain did for fishing.