The lake level is 555.30 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with 1-1/2 generators running about 5-hours. The White River at Newport is at 6.64 feet and is about ready to dry up. If they keep the level up high as possible for as long as possible it will be much easier for them to flood us out next spring. We should be at below 552 this time of year. The surface water temperature is 85-degrees, The lake is clear and it looks like good conditions for the up-coming holiday weekend. We received two rains yesterday afternoon. The first time it rained hard for about 15-minutes and we go about 1/2 inch. The second time it did the same thing again and the water was running down the road. We received exactly 1-inch total here at Blackburns. It was spotty and some places south of here got nothing. It sure greened up everything and is making the grass grow but I had to grade the ruts out of the road to the dock but it is in good condition now. The best fishing now is for crappie, Kentucky Bass and walleye. Many of the walleye are short especially in the shallower water. Spoons are the best for about everything except for catfish and bluegill but the crappie have started biting live minnows over brush on a slip float about 20-ft. down. Crickets are really catching a lot of big bluegill off docks and night crawlers are working for catfish. Start fishing on main lake points in 27-ft. of water for many species of fish. Drop the spoon and tap bottom, snap it up about 4-5 feet and allow it to drop on slack line. In am using 1/4 or 3/8th ounce Bink's spoons with mostly white on them and a little red or a red eye. Use light clear line with no hardware. If you want the $59/day 1-bedroom cabins, the $77/day 2-bedrooms or the 2-bedroom mobil home for $62/day now is the time to call. They are nearly full for most weeks now. The prices start the day after Labor day. Call Debbie at 870-492-5115. You get a free boat stall with your cabin at our big dock. The pool is open. We also have the best prices on Boat Rentals in the Ozarks. You have to stay two nights in a cabin to rent a boat. They are catching a lot of fish off the dock.