The lake level is 559.44 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running a little less than 1/2 the time. The White River at Newport is 13.52 feet and dropping. The surface water temperature is 87 degrees. The level has dropped 13.5 feet since it's high of 573 on June 6th but is still about 7-8 feet higher than it should be for this time of year. The water clarity is still pretty good down to about 19-feet and then gets cloudy with little visibility on down to about 30-feet where the water is cold. Bluegill and Kentucky Bass are in the cloudy water and walleye and smaller stripers are in the deeper water. Several largemouth bass are out in open water on shad as are some crappie and other temperate bass. A good place to start looking is about 35-feet near the bottom on or just around main lake points. Catfishing is fair on trotlines and jugs using live bluegill after dark in 20-ft. of water. Bass are coming to the bank to feed on crawdads at dark. Some nice bluegill are being caught during the day on crickets off docks in the shade especially if they have brush under them. Other than that fishing during the day is not very good. from about 9:AM until dusk. The walleye that are being caught on spoons seem to be getting smaller and the larger ones are going deep with the larger stripers. I am not seeing as many schools of white bass as I was earlier but the visibility may have something to do with that. At least the water level is down enough so that many campgrounds and day use areas are open with launching and trailer parking much better. There is more boat traffic than last week with people getting in a few more days before school starts. Labor day looks to be very busy. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a last minute reservation so you can take advantage of the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks. We will not charge you too much. Compare. Veterans and Police are especially welcome. Check things out carefully. A pool and boat dock are very important.