Caught on the Bink's Many Shad Spoon.
The lake level is 561.31 and continues to drop a little over 2-inches in a 24-hour period with one generator running continuously. It is dropping very slow despite the dry hot weather but they continue to drop Table Rock even though it is three feet below power pool. Norfork is still 6-feet above. We should be at about 552 at this time. The surface water tmeperature is still 90-degrees but the ambient temperature is to drop starting tomorrow with chances of rain. Anything would be a relief but we do not need what the St. Louis area received. That was devastatiing and we are so sorry. We have had 0.7 inches of rain since June 6th. and we have a burn ban on and are as dry as can be. There is not much tent camping out there in the 104 degree temperatures. The last one that I have been in was a 1/2 tent. Some will know what that is. The lake is clear from the surface down to about 19-feet where the cloudy water begins and ends at about 30-ft.or a little less. The water is cold at 32-feet. Some bass, white bass and bluegill are at these depths but the walleye are a little deeper near the bottom. The White Bass are in the same area but schooled and suspended a few feet and a little more to the inside of the points. Largemouth bass move into the bank to feed on crawdads at dark and are near deep water on the drop-off. The larger stripers are in the river channel in deep water and are not biting. A lot of fish are from 27-35 feet so snap your spoon up about 6-7 feet and allow it to drop on slack line and touch bottom. Bink is catching a lot of fish on his Many Shad spoon in the 3/4 or 1-ounce size or the Arkansas Shiner. There are several striper fishing out there trolling but not catching much. Boat traffic is very low for July. I do not know if it is the heat, economy or the gas prices. Most of the boats that I see out there are Blackburns rentals.