Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service on the spoon.
The lake level is 561.55 and has dropped just a bit over 2-inches with one generator running continuously. We did receive a little shower but it did not amount to much but was appreciated. The White River at Newport is 11.90 feet and has been mostly steady for a few weeks with not much effort to drop Norfork. We need rain but do not want it all at once like they just got in St. Louis. Flooding is bad there. The weather remains very hot with highs in the 100's but that is predicted to change later this week. The surface water temperature remains at 89-90 degrees and the thermocline is dropping and the creeks are clearing. There are several fish at the 30-35-ft. range no matter how deep the water. Some good news is that white bass are showing up in larger numbers than in the last few years and are just a little shallower than the stripers and hybrids and schooled just arond main lake points on the inside. Spooners and trollers are both catching them and some are good sized. A lot of small stripers are being caught in deep water and all of them die after bringing them up. Venting them does not help. I do not fish in deep water in the summer for that reason. I hope we do not get another big striper kill this early fall. Bink remains on the stripers, walleye, white bass and Kentucky bass which are all in the same area. Night fishermen are still doing well on saltcraws and black lights. Not much has changed and Blackburns Still has the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals and your cabin comes with a free boat stall unless you bring the Queen Mary or a tower boat. We have stalls for them but have to move one of our rental boats out and we are in the rental boat business.