The lake level is 562.13 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously. The White River at Newport is now under 12-feet and sits at 11.80 and they are holding the lake up as high as possible for as long as possible despite the hot dry weather. I am pretty sure no farmers are getting flooded out from the White River at this time. There must not be a need for any electricity in the Southwest Power Administration distributuion area. We have a burn ban on for Baxter County and things are really dry with 0.7 inches of rain for this month. The surface water temperature is 90-degrees and the lake remains in good condition for swimming, boating and fishing. The best bites now are for walleye and small stripers in the early morning. The walleye are on main lake points at 35-ft. near the bottom and stripers are on shad at various depths stating at 35-ft. They could be in anwhere from 30-ft to 100 feet of water but are liking that 35-ft. depth. The larger walleye are in the creek channels in deep water. The next best bite is the after dark for largemouth bass with the black light and saltcraw near the shore on the drop-off. It looks like the weather may break late next week with a chance of rain. The first of August is typically our hottest time of year. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much and a free boat stall comes with your cabin. Veterans and Police are especially welcome.