The lake level is 563.82 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours with a little less than one generator running continuously. The surface water temperature is 88-89. The White River at Newport is 12.91 and is dropping steadily heading for 12-feet. They have changed the date predicted to reach the top of the power pool, which is 555.75, to August 18th. That is about 3-inches/day drop until then and it is difficult to get there regulating the White River at Newport to 12-feet. The bowl is getting smaller though and the level will drop faster with the same amount of water being released. I just want it to get below 560 for fishing, scuba diving and lake and parking access. Letting it get too high in the spring and dragging out the lowering process even though we are in a drought does not look like good management to me but if you do not expect much you do not get much.You would think they need electrical power somewhere in the Southwest Power Administration distribution area. I went to a cafe that had a Build Back Better Burger on the menu and it was 1/2 the burger for twice the price. I need to lose a little weight anyway. Baxter County is raising the property taxes dramatically due to higher prices on houses. I guess they need more money even though they are receiving higher amounts of revenue do to the increases in sales tax. I am trying to keep from raising my prices and just do not want to increase prices on my loyal repeat customers who have supported me for years but it is hard when government is leading the way. Electric and Insurance Bills are going up exponentially. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much. Compare.