Caught on the Bink's Spoon this morning.
The lake level is 566.23 and has dropped 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running about 1/2 the time and one the other half. The surface water temperature is 90-degrees with the hot weather and it does not usually get there until early August. The water is cloudy with the boat traffic churning it up on the holiday and is not clearing very fast. You could not see much past 12-feet deep last evening when I went out after work. There were still quite a few boats out there dragging stuff around. Bink reports catching a lot of fish early morning about 5-5:30 AM in 35-50 feet of water on the 1/2 ounce spoon. The fish, which are mostly stripers, hybrids and walleye are near the bottom and are feeding on big shad in the 4-inch range. About 8:AM they move deeper and he switches to the 1-ounce Many Shad Spoon. The bite is over by 9:AM. I have another report of a good after dark bite for bass using the black light, fluorescent line and the saltcraw. Some Kentucky Bass are shallow in the evening near the buckbrush on creature baits and plastic worms. Some walleye are on main lake points from 18-25-ft. of water just off the bottom. There are still a lot of fish under the dock. Crappie, bluegill and catfish. It is hot. Blackburns still has one bedroom cabins for $90/day and $425/week with 2,3,4 bedrooms priced accordingly. Why pay more? A free boat stall comes with your cabin and all cabins have covered porches and are individual with no duplexes or shared porches. If you are in the area and paid too much elsewhere stop by and check us out when you get a chance. We especially welcome Police and Veterans. The big pool is nice.