The lake level is 566.55 and has dropped 3-inches in the last 24-hours with a mixture of both generators and one generator running. The White River at Newport is 13.66 feet and stable. The surface water temperature is 88-degrees and rising and should hit 90 soon with the extremely hot weather for the rest of the week. This does not usually happen until early August. We did get a nice shower yesterday afternoon about 4:PM of 1/4 inch. It was our first rain since June 6th and was scattered with some areas getting nothing and was welcome. Well, it is all over folks until the next fiasco on Labor Day and the normal amount of people are on the lake and the craziness has subsided resulting in a much more peacefull environment. Pets and small children no longer are scared of the fireworks and it is illegal to set them off until December. I know of nobody that comes to norfork lake on vacation for the fireworks but they are popular with locals, weekenders and day users. We do not allow them at the resort as they terrify pets and some small children and are a fire hazard with everything being so dry. I have not been fishing for several days as it has been so busy here with a full house for the week and boat rentals plus I do not go out on the holidays. I suspect other resort owneres do not have time also. I would have been greatly criticised if I was fishing with all of the work that needs to be done and the needs of customers not being met. My fishing places are usually where the water is calm and that is where the wake boarders go making it impossible to fish but many of them are out of gas money now. High gas prices are really changing things but the boat companies report making boats as fast as they can and cannot get caught up. That is good. Somebody must have some money for them but I am not included. The lake is in excellent condition for boating, swimming and fishing and the dropping water is making launching and parking much easier. The lake is down 6-1/2 feet from it's high of 573 in early June.