Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service Yesterday.
The lake level is 572.06 and has dropped about 2-1/3 inches in the last 24-hours and a total of one foot since it's high of 572.98 on June 6th. They are running both generators for about 16-hours and holding the White River at Newport to 14.22 feet steady. The 4-lake sustem is 59% full and dropping with the hot dry weather. The surface water temperature is in the low 80's and we could use some rain. The water clarity is good and the best it has been on opening day of spearfishing for divers in several years which is today. I am ready and all I need is time. We are very busy here. Business comes before fishing. This is a good time to catch a larger striper early dragging live bait or an umbrella through schools of shad early or dropping a spoon on their heads. It is easier staying on them using a spoon instead of trolling through them and then going back around and trying to find the moving school. They go deeper in the morning as the sun rises. Catfishing has slowed with the dropping water and the moon getting bigger but a few are still being caught on live bluegill. Larger bluegill are still biting crickets and small spoons under docks and structure in 30-ft, of water about 20-ft. down. Some bass are with the shad but more are on the old shoreline before the water rise in about 20-25 ft. of water near the bottom. Crappie are still in the backs of the creeks on wood in about 26-28 ft. of water near the bottom and hitting the jig or grub on the drop near the bottom but others are showing up about everywhere. Cast a plastic worm to the bank near the buckbrush and work the bottom back to the boat in 25-30 ft. of water on the bottom part way back in the creeks and you will be surprised what you catch especially in the evening. Blackburns has a cabin open on Saturday so give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115. We will not charge you too much and a boat stall comes with your cabin it you stay more than one day. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. I am a veteran but not a policeman and do not need nearly as much policing as I used to for some reason. We have several dive pontoons for rent at the best price but do not allow any boats out after dark and no towing of anything behind them. If you want to do that you can stay here and rent a tow boat from a marina. They like that.