Mike Dean from Dekalb, Illinois with some very nice crappie caught yesterday. Good fisherman and friend.
The lake level is at 572.95 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with both generators running for about 8-hours. This is the first drop in months and is good news. The White River at Newport is 14.11 ft. and rising slowly and that is also good news. We have been missing the rain forecasted for this week but our best chance is just coming up. Most of it is going south of us and we are still very dry. High pressure is coming in early next week and temperatures are to get into the 90's. Our normal high is 83. Crappie and White Bass fishing is picking up and catfishing is not. Bluegill fishing is still good on crickets and small spoons. Crappie are liking the grub and minnow and Bobby Garland Jig cast past the shallow brush back in the creeks and sinking into it hitting on the drop. A few small stripers are being caught on shad dragging live bait and umbrellas but not many. Black Bass are both on the old shoreline before the water rise on buckbrush in the evenings and also on shad in open water. Blackburns has a full house and almost all of the fishermen caught some yesterday. I know you want to see my smiling face day after day but I prefer my customers showing off and we have many that are good fishermen. The lake surface water is rising and is now about 76-77 degrees and rising. It should hit 80 next week. The water remains clear and if they keep dropping the level more and more of the floating logs should stick to the shore with the wind that always comes before the high pressure. Looks to be some good boating and swimming weather coming up. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and a free boat stall comes with your cabin.