The lake level is 572.93 and has risen just a bit in the last 24-hours with both generators running about 4-hours and less than one for two hours. All of the area lakes are dropping now except Norfork which is scheduled to to crest tomorrow. The 4-lake system is 68% full. The White River at Newport is 14.11 ft. has leveled off. Surface water temperature was 76 degrees yesterday afternoon and the lake is clear both on the main lake and in the creeks. Fishing has slowed overall including catfishing which had been good. Bluegill fishing is still pretty good and several bass are being caught near the old shoreline before the water rise at 20-22 feet both early and late. Middle of the day fishing is not the best. Try vertical jigging a spoon on main lake and just around main lake points at 20-25 feet and tapping bottom just outside dead buckbrush. If you catch bluegill keep spooning as there are bigger fish around. Live bait trollers are catching some stripers early morning in the 5-8 pound range but it does not last long. Top-water bite has diminished but you can find some bass surfacing sporatically. The weather has been perfect but some rain may be coming on tuesday and wednesday but nothing serious. The north wind has kept things cooler than normal and the pattern of cold fronts coming through every week since January continues. If it breaks hot weather will be here with chances of late June and early July storms. I am always happy when the 4th of July is over. It is on monday this year. We continue to stay busy here at Blackburns with the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the area. Why pay more? Do not go out after dark.