Tom Kelly is one good fisherman and continues to catch and release some nice ones. He likes that plastic worm.
The lake level is 572.83 and has risen 3/4 inch in the last 24-hours with three hours of running both generators and 2-hours of running less than one. The lake is expected to crest on 5 June at 572.90 at 66% full. The White River at Newport is 15.87 and dropping rapidly so do not expect any area lakes to drop much anytime soon. What you see is what you get for several months unless we get a drought. The surface water temperature is just over 76-degrees and the thermocline is dropping to between 19-20 feet. The lake is clearing nicely again after the holiday churn. I repeat this as long as it is true. When the thermocline is the same as the old shoreline before the lake rise a lot of fish are there of all species. Right now there are a lot of fish at 20-feet both on main lake points and in the creeks. The top-water bite is diminishing as it always does after the thermocline forms and the fish go deeper as the water warms and the thermocline pushes down. There are different ways of defining the thermocline but as a scuba diver for many years I call it where the water starts to get cold and the fish are seldom below it except for temperate bass and some walleye that are searching for oxygen when the water gets hot in the summer and the oxygen depletes and they go deep looking for the oxygen bubble. We are not near that yet. Bass fishing with floating worms and creature baits back in the creeks is catching some nice ones. Others are in open water on shad. Live bait trollers are catching a few along with some smaller stripers. The stripers are getting smaller and smaller so start to look for the guides to start promoting ultra light equipment on long limber poles to convince Pilgrims that they have a big fish. They just keep killing those 5-8 pound stripers and do not give them a chance to grow but they do not know any other way to catch fish except trolling umbrellas. They both work. I sure hope this high water does not cause another big striper kill late this summer. In the mean time I will be fishing walleye, crappie, bass and catfish and leaving the temperate bass alone. Rain today and tonight with nice weather for later this week. 3/8th ounce jigging spoons and Bobby Garland jigs are my baits of choice at this time. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much and a free stall at our big dock comes with your cabin. All cabins are individual with big covered porches and no duplexes. One bedroom cabins start at $85/day with 2,3,4 bedrooms priced accordingly. We especially welcome Veterans and Police.