Norfork Lake Walleye.
Norfork Lake Catfishing.
The lake level is 572.12 and has risen 1.2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running for about 10-hours. The White River at Newport is 19.08 and dropping. They are now predicting the crest for Norfork will be on friday at 572.2 at 63% full. The 4-lake system is 63% full according to them. Bull Shoals is expected to crest today but is still rising as of yesterday. We received about 3/4 of an inch of rain yesterday and last night and more is to come tonight and tomorrow with nice weather for the holiday weekend. I do not understand how we can be 7+ feet from going over the spillway and 15-feet over power pool and still be only 63% full. It will take a long time to get rid of this water. They usually get it done by about September. The surface water temperature is dropping with the cool weather and is now in the early 70's and the main lake is very clear with the creeks being stained but clear near the shore. Bass are bitng on plastice worms in the creeks near the old shoreline which is 18-feet as is the thermocline. Fish of most speicies are there now. The top-water bite for bass remains good early and all day on cloudy days. Catfishing is very good on limb lines and throw lines on live bluegill. Bluegill are under docks and around shallow willows in the creeks. Fishing remains pretty good for most species but you have to work on it a bit. The waning moon and slowly rising water is really helping the catfishing. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free. All of our cabins are individual and have big covered porches so you do not need a tent or unbrella for cover.