The lake level is 571.97 and has risen 3/4 of an inch in the last 24-hours with about 10-hours of running one generator. The White River at Newport is 19.27. The main lake water is very clear and the creeks are stained. Bull Shoals is forcasted to crest on Wednesday but I do not see how that can happen with Table Rock still running all generators and spillway gates open filling it up more. They must have plans to stop this but have not had time to change the forecast. Surface water temperature is 74 degrees and dropping with the cool weather. We are to get more rain later this week and then it looks good for the weekend with much warmer temperatures. Every Resort that I have talked to is full and it looks to be a very busy holiday. Catfishing has been the best bite with all species of them being caught everyday. The flathead bite has been excellent and channels and blues are both picking up every day. I am using some shiners but mostly bluegills on short throw lines and limb lines. Top-water fishing has also been good with fishing coming up near the old shoreline and thermocline which are both at about 18-feet. Most are bass but some White Bass are with them. When you see small threadfin shad flitting around on the surface get that top-water lure out and walk the dog and call them up. Crappie are also biting but are not in big schools and I am catching ones and twos and then moving on. Cast a Bobby Garland Baby Shad on a 1/16th ounce jig head past the shallowest brush and let it sink into it. Blue Ice is my favorite color. Walleye are back on main lake points at or just under the thermocline near the bottom in front of brush piles. Bluegill fishing is also good and everywhere you find schools of bluegill you can be sure catfish are near somwhere. I caught a gar yesterday again and that is not a good sign. When gar show up flatheads usually go away. I am surprised thay have hung around as long as they have already. They are my favorite. Channels are starting to hit live bait on limb lines. Trot lines across the backs of creeks will be next. Channels do not need live bait but it works the best. We have some giant bluecat in Norfork Lake. In most rivers Flatheads are the biggest catfish but in Norfork Lake Blues are. They like to lay on trunks of brush piles in the summer time. It looks to be a good Scuba Season so far and it is only three weeks away from opening day of spearfishing.