Scuba Steve and Carl Scott with some pretty good ones.
The lake level is 571.19 and has risen 3-inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 10-hours. The White River at Newport is at 21.69 and dropping. We received 1.4 inches of rain yesterday and the level is already over the forecasted crest so more is to come. It rained hard in the afternoon and there was some severe weather around us but not here. We have been very fortunate. The surface water temperature is still in the mid 70's and the water is clear on the main lake with some small debris floating as the water rise floats it away from the shore. Fishing has remained good with the top-water bite in the early morning being the best and after that spooning open water shad and working the bank with soft plastices for bass. Crappie are still scattered and on most wood at various depths. Catfishing has slowed with the full moon but should get better as the month progresses. The lake is now at a good level for limb lines with live bait. They are still running Table Rock hard with spillway gates open and filling Bull Shoals fast so do not expect Norfork to drop any time soon. It will take them a long time to get this straightened out even if it does not rain.