Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service.
The lake level is 570.21 and has risen about 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 8-hours. The level stays stable with the generator running and rises with no generation. The rise has slowed way down with the dry hot weather. The White River at Newport is 23.95 and dropping quickly and it looks like this big slug with the last rain has gone through the system but holding water has raised all of the area lakes significantly and it looks like we will crest at just over 571. It is to rain friday night but it will not hurt anything as we are getting dry. The surface water temperature is 73-74 degrees and rising with the bright sunshine and hot weather and the water is clear. You can see your lure down several feet. The top-water bite is happening most days with more bass coming up with the stripers after their spawn and several males are still on their nests waiting for the fry to get ready to leave or eggs to hatch. Get out there at about 6:AM for the bite. I am still catching some big crappie still full of eggs but more are spawned out. They are on most brush piles both in the main lake and back in the creeks anywhere from 20-35 ft. of water near the bottom. The flathead bite has slowed and the channel and blues will be moving in to take their place. The Game and Fish have double tagged 200 Stripers an released them in various areas and are offering a $100 reward for information about them when they are caught. If you catch one please call in the information. It is important as to the future stocking of stripers in Norfork Lake. I do not want them to quit stocking them but many people do. A lot depends if there is a big fish kill late this summer. There is no sense stocking them if they just die off in the high, hot, ozygen depleted water after they get big. This only happens in Norfork and it is the oldest lake but a lot of the green growth has died along the lake shore with the repeated high water years and there is less ozygen demand with green wood being under water and decaying as in previous years. Another striper kill this summer would not be good for their continued future here. Blackburns just had two cabins open up for Memorial Day due to cancellation after being booked full for several months. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 there is a three day minimum.