The lake level is 569.26 and has risen 5-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with jus a few hours of generation. I guess we are fortunate to have any generation with the White River just over flood stage at Newport at 26.39 feet. Beaver and Table Rock still have flood gates open and filling Bull Shoals quickly. We are not going to drop levels on Norfork any time soon but it is not rising as fast as it was with the creeks stopping running and the sunny warm weather with wind.That sure will help but all of the area lakes are in for high water all summer unless we get a complete drought. The low generation is letting the water stay clear but some debris is washing loose from the shore with the rising water. Fishing has not been affected negatively and is good at this time for most species.The top-water bite is getting better with some bass showing up with the temperate bass and more of them will join in as the spawn progresses. I am still catching big crappie that are full of eggs and more black ones are showing up. Some say they spawn later than white ones but I do not know why. Flathead catfishing continues to be excellent on throw likes with live bait part way backs in the creeks in the deeper water. Some bass are on the bank, some are on brush and some are in open water on shad. The Kentucky Bass are full of crawdads and lizards. You can catch crappie on most secondary points just inside the main lake on brush. I do not usually spoon until the thermocline sets up but they are biting on them now. Trollers are catching some nice Hybrid Stripers dragging Shad Raps. About everyone is catching fish of some kind or other. It is a good time and the warm sunshine feels good. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free. Compare prices unless you just have too much money. I do not. We especially welcome Veterans and Police even though I do not require as much policing as I used to for some reason.