The lake level is 568.77 and has risen 7-inches in the last 24-hours with just a few hours of generation. The White River at Newport is 26.65 feet and has leveled off but still above flood stage of 26-feet. The lake is still clear but debris is floating loose from the shore with the rising water. You just have to pay attention and stay off the lake after dark. Fishing continues to be good with crappie and catfish being the best followed by walleye, bass and early morning top-water for temperate bass. Everybody is catching fish now. The creeks have finally slowed way down and are at a trickle. It is not predicted to rain until next weekend with warm sunshine and wind with highs in the low 90's starting tomorrow. That should help dry things out and let this slug of water go through the system and slow the rise down. All of the area lakes are rising except for Beaver and it is about 5-inches from going over the spillway. There will be no level drops in the foreseeable future in the rest of the lakes. Norfork will go past 570 this week. Crappie are back on mainlake brush in 30-35 ft. of water and big ones too. Flatheads are biting live bait and have moved out a little deeper in the creek channel. The wind is going to blow all week from the south and the shad will be in the south facing creeks and there will be an early morning top-water bite most mornings for temperate bass. A goodly amount of bass have spawned and are post-spawn feeding on the banks early and late on creek minnows, crawdads and lizards. I am still not seeing any bass fry under the dock but gizzard shad are there along with many bluegill and crappie. Water temperature will be in the 70's soon in the creeks which mean the bluegill will spawn. The carp are finished.