The lake level is 562.70 and has risen one foot in the last 24-hours with no generation since last evening. The White River is at 21.11 feet and dropping. We received about 2-1/2 inches of rain the last two days and the lake is rising about 3/4 inch an hour. The creeks were raging last evening and into the night but are slowing now but still flowing pretty hard. Brown water is now into the backs of the creeks and moving out towards the main lake. It rained very hard about 5:PM. We missed the weekend rain and the water got very clear but it is not the case now. The fishing was pretty good until this happened and we will see what this does to the water temperature and fishing conditions. The continuous water rise has not helped the spawn any but at least there has not been any big rises in short periods of time and muddy main lake water. The surface water temperature remains in the mid 60's as of last night but I have not checked it so far today. Have to go down and move the dock. It is a daily event.