The lake leve is 560.99 and has risen 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with a few hours of running one generator. The White River at Newport is 24.62 feet and there is more rain on the way for the next few days. The surface water temperature was 62.5 degrees yesterday afternoon and has dropped just a bit with the cooler weather. The spawn continues for the bass and is drip, drip, drip for the crappie. They can be caught about anywhere now. Main lake brush is holding more fish everyday with after spawn fish but there are still many more back in wind-blown creeks on shad and the top-water bite is the best now on most mornings. Several White Bass are coming up but not nearly as many as the past. Most of the stripers that are being caught are in the 5-7 pound range and getting smaller and people just keep killing them. I guess they want them eradicated. I do not. Pictures of dock floors full of dead small stripers are nothing to brag about.