The catfish are bitng. We like those here.
The lake level is 560.07 and has risen 4-inches in the last 24-hours with just a few hours of generation. We received about an inch of rain last night and all of the area lakes are rising. The White River at Newport is at 24.17 so there is not much they can do about it now. The lake is rising about 1/2 inch/hour with no generation. The lake surface water is rising and I had 61 degrees both on the main lake and in Blackburns Creek yesterday afternoon. The water is clearing especially near the bank. The weather is trying to clear up and it is good to have the wind slow a bit. The cooler temperature will not hurt anything and keep away any severe stuff. We are to get more rain later this week but nothing serious. The cold fronts are not nearly as cold as in March but it is to get down into the 30's for nightime lows so bring a coat. The top-water bite is best now in the early mornings just before and at sunrise especially after warm nights. The south wind has been predominate so look into the south facing creeks. The wind blows the plankton, the bait fish follow the plankton and the game fish follow the bait unless they are feeding on crawdads, lizards and creek minnows in the creeks near the shore. Both are happening. I saw several big largemouth on beds yesterday and less are coming up with the white bass and small stripers in the morning. Creature baits on jig heads are working for black bass outside the buckbrush and poppers are starting to work in the creeks on the bank. Small soft plastics on jig heads are always good. Catfish of all kinds are biting on live shiners at night and on cloudy days on throw lines and off docks with rods and reels. It is still best to get back in the creeks near the shore by any wood for crappie but some are back on main lake brush post-spawn feeding. Some are full of eggs and some are spawned out. Most males are still guarding nests but will move to main lake brush and open water on shad soon after the fry leave the nest. Even people that normally do not catch very many fish can catch some White Bass if they get out there before sunrise and know how to drive a top-water bait. If they do not use a whopper plopper. They do not require any skill and also catch fish. You do not need a $2,000 fish finder to catch top-water fish. Go into windblown creeks and look with your own eyes. It has been effective for quite a few years but I do admit some need more help than others. I was going to buy a new live scope for my boat but they cost too much so I bought three new heater/air conditioners for the cabins instead. I did not pay that much for my boat but it still catches a few fish. Quite a few. It is a heavy drinker but I do not need to go very far. If I had a new $70,000 boat I would just ding it up anyway. It is not so bad being poor.