Norfork Lake Easter Fun Here at Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental With our biggest Egg hunt ever.

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Norfork Lake Fun here at Blackburns. We like Easter. It quit raining just in time. Image title

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The lake level is 557.97 and has risen 3-inches in the last 24-hours with about 5-hours of generation. They have cut way down and the White River at Newport is 20.79 with the lake rising when they quit and dropping very slowly when they generate. It looks like the big slug is through the system from the last big rain but more rain is predicted for wednesday. We have about 12-days of these rules of generation and then it drops down again on May 1st and then again May 8th and then our chances of lowering the level any time soon go away with the 12-ft. rule which needs to be reviewed and changed. There is absolutely no reason for it. They are running Table Rock very heavily with spillway gates open and filling Bull Shoals. That leaves the stepchild Norfork Lake too keep rising. It is most important to protect Branson and the landing than anything else and at all costs. The last time they let that flood they heard about it and will not let that happen again. It is all about the $. We are still at a good level now but do not need any more. It did not warm up yesterday and stayed in the 40's all day. It has cleared off now and is to get near freezing again tonight. The cold fronts just keep coming with wind. It is to get into the low 60's this afternoon for a couple of hours and the same tomorrow with rain again on wednesday. It has been slow warming up this spring and the water temperature has remained in the 50's for several weeks. Several of the children went to the dock to fish after the egg hunt and had a lot of fun. We were full here at Blackburns and we like that. The new sand mountain got a workout as did all of the playground equipment. and everybody had fun. The big pool is ready to paint and then getting it open will be the next challenge. That will depend on the weather but it will be open when it finally gets warm. The fishing was a little slow yesterday but some nice fish were caught. The water is clearing near the shore and the brown water is gone in this area but is still stained an off-colored green. We should be in full top-water action now but are not. There is some but later this week when it warms way up it will happen every day. Blackburns still has cabins for $59/day with a free boat stall. Why pay more unless you just have too much money? If so stay here and give the difference to disabled Veterans.