The lake level is 554.69 and is rising 1-1/2 inches per hour after over 3.5 inchers of rain in a short period and it is still raining. They just started generating after being shut down since 1:AM this morning. They always stop generating when it rains. The creeks are raging with no signs of slowing down. The water in back of Blackburns Creek is brown already and headed out to the main lake. So much for the stable lake level for the last several weeks. The White River at Newport is already at 21.70 feet so there is not much room for increased ganeration. I would like to see some spillway gates opened but there is only so much that they can do now that they did not draw down the lake in the winter. I will wait until things settle down and get another report. It all depends on how much rain they got in the Gainsville area and other Norfork watershed. Local rains do not affect things nearly as much as ones north of here and it looks like they got plenty. I will let you know. Fishing was good yesterday and high water does not affect fishing much but it does afftect parking, launching, swimming and day use. Over 560 starts to cause problems and we are 5-feet away.