The lake level is 554.54 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours. They quit generating in the middle of the night, started up one for a few hours and now have both running. The White River at Newport is 23.27 feet so they are doing everything they can to drop the area lakes. The surface water temperature is 58 on the main lake and all over the place back in the creeks depending on the wind and amount of sunshine. There is no sushine today and it is 52 degrees, cloudy and very windy. A miserable day for fishing but I have some dedicated people out there but it is difficult to get out of the wind and find fish at the same time. I am hoping the wind lays a bit this afternoon but it looks to be with us for a couple more days. I am very tired of it. It is not my friend like some report. Bink found fish coming up this morning but I did not except for a few small bass. The big female crappie have moved in under my dock and are wanting to spawn bad. A few flathead are also showing up indicating spring is here. They are the last ones to spawn and do not finish until early to Mid June. I will set out a short throw line with live shiners and give you a report. The bluegill are pre-spawn feeding and there are some big ones being caught. Walleye are scattered and showing up all over the place. Bass will move to the banks soon and I see several bass fishermen sight fishing with gitzets so it must me near. I am not seening any making nests but some big ones have moved in under my dock with the crappie. The sun just came out so it looks like a cool couple of days. That is usually followed by warm weather until the next cold front comes in. Blackburns still has cabins for $59/day so come on down. We will not charge you too much. No sense paying for your first boat stall unless you bring the Queen Mary. Lake of the Ozarks Likes those. Look for that first warm night for an early morning top-water bite. Be out there just before sunrise or 6:30 AM and have a spook or spitin image tied on and be ready. Clear ones sparkle in the sunlight but you can use white ones in cloudy weather. It will get better and better for the next few weeks. Shut off the wind.