Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition By Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

The lake level is 552.97 and has risen 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours. They were running both generators, cut to one and now have completely quit. They always seem to quit when it rains in order to maginfy the efffects and keep the level up as high as possible. The lake is at a good level now but there is not much room for a surge with the spring rains coming. More of a cushion would be nice but it surely looks like they like high water and are bent on having it happen every year. If not, they certainly have not done anything this winter to prevent it and there is nobody held accountable. I had a 53 degree water temperature yesterday afternoon and the wind came up about 4:PM making it impossible to fish except for the very back of the creeks and there are not many fish there. I am surprised that there are bass and crappie still on main lake brush in this area but there are but the wind makes it very difficult to stay on them. I am willing to sacrifice my part of any people that think wind is your friend. They sure have had a good one this month. The Reidlingers from Albany, Missouri found some nice stripers trolling and they are getting more and more difficult to find. Bink is vertical jigging steep banks for bass with creature baits and spoons and catching some big ones. Some of his smallmouth are as big as I have seen coming out of Norfork. There are a lot of 4-pounders in the lake but a 6-pounder is almost unheard of and one was caught fishing with him earlier this week. We need some warm nights to get the spring spawn going and the top-water bite tp be consistent. I am glad march is almost over but do not like the storms the spring brings. It is raining hard now and the creeks are running big time.