The lake level is 553.37 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with generation about 3/4th the time. The White River at Newport is at 19-feet and rising and we are approaching the power pool of 553.75 again. We received about 2-1/2 inches of rain in the last three days but that is over for now with another cold front here with highs near 50. Our normal high is 63. It is to get very warm early next week. The surface water temperature remains in the low to mid 50's and the lake is stained both in the creeks and on the main lake after the rain. It was heavy at times. You can see your lure down only a couple of feet. Fishing was a little better yesterday with people that had been struggling also catching fish. The fish are all mixed up with them being scattered about everywhere. Some are staging for a spawn, some pre-spawn feeding, some post-spawn feeding and some still out on the main lake on shad. When the top-water bite starts next week try in Panther Creek. It is always one of the best places in early spring for that especially at sunrise on clear days. The stripers are finishing their spawn at night and will move there soon with the bass and white bass. April 15th it will be in full swing and everybody will catch fish. The cold weather has put things on hold for now but it will get really exciting next week when the water warms in the creeks rapidly. We just need march to get over but keep the storms and big rains away and we will be fine. The lake is in good condition and at a good level for fishing. Come on down th Blackburns. We will not charge you too much. I bought new pool-side lounge chairs yesterday and am broke again. They have doubled in price. We will have our pool open by Memorial Day or when it gets warm. Has anybody tried to buy sand for the children's sand pile lately? Wow. The inflation rate is not 10% that is for sure. I am holding my prices but it is getting harder and harder but people appreciate it. It just needs to stop.