The lake level is 554.71 and has dropped a very little in the last 24-hours. They quit generating at midnight and then started back up with one generator and now are running 1-1/2. The White River at Newport is a little over 21-feet so they are trying as hard as they can. The surface water temperature was 42 degrees in Blackburns Creek last evening when I went to the dock and the water was very clear. It got very cold last night with a low of 16-degrees and is only getting to about 40 today but warming up everyday until the latter part of next week when the highs should get in to the high 60's. At least it is sunny now and should melt off some of the compacted sleet today. The side roads are still very slick. Bink reports having a little ice on the trees down by the Norfork River but there is none here near the lake. I know of no ice damage or any power losses and the precipitation was mostly all sleet and now it is all over except for the melting. Give it a couple of days of high pressure and the fishing will pick up again. I will give it a try tomorrow after I put one boat in and take another out for service. When you have 30-rental boats it never ends. We are getting a lot of calls so if you have a cabin and boat reserved for this year and have not confirmed please call Debbie at 870-492-5115 to insure you are not disappointed. It costs more to have to stay elswhere and rent a boat. A lot more. Sorry we do not allow dragging anything with our Bass or Pontoon boats. If you want to do that you can stay here and rent the boat elsewhere. No problem. Marinas have boats for that but bring a lot of money. You have to rent a cabin from us to rent a boat. Corps of Engineers rule not mine.