The lake level is 552.15 and has risen 1-3/4 inch in the last 24-hours with no generation. The White River at Newport is 9-feet. The surface water temperature was 46.5 yesterday afternoon in the sunshine and the wind was brisk from the southwest. I could see my lure down about 5-feet and the water was stained a little green. I fished for over two hours in the late afternoon and caught four crappie and two Kentucky Bass. Nothing big. Not the best day. Bryan caught larger ones in the morning. Bink is still on the temperate bass and catching high numbers but not much size. The hybrids are biting the best but most are small. He is catching some nice walleye in the same places on the bottom on the spoon. I am not. My catch has been limited to bass and crappie. The big bluegill have quit or moved and the catfish always quit this time of year. It is nice not having it get dark so early. There is another cold front coming in this wekend. I was fishing south of Cranfield Island and the shad blacked out my screen. Not a very good chance of catching fish there for me but there were a couple of boats there also. I do not usually fish within sight of another boat so I moved to a main lake cut out of the wind and caught three crappie that were barely keepers. All of the fish that I caught yesterday were in 25-ft. of water except for one bass which was near the bank on the drop-off. The snow is about gone but has been stubborn. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much. Gas is $3.39/ gallon for non-alcohol regular here in Mountain Home so you know if you should fill up before you get here. It is rising every week.