The lake level is 551.98 and has dropped 2-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with one or two generators alternating since last evening. This is the first time the lake has been below 552 in a long time and it is heading in the right direction albeit very slowly until the weather got cold and they needed electricity. It was 553.51 on January 1st and has dropped 1-1/2 feet since then. The last snow was on January 6th and it was about 1/2 as much as this one. The White River at Newport is 11+ft. The light flakey snow will not raise the lake much as it melts and it started yesterday afternoon. The water surface temperature was 43 degrees yesterday afternoon in Blackburns Creek and the ambient temperature was 34-degrees. I will check out the main lake today. We are to have beautiful weather for a week with highs in the 50's starting on Monday and warming up to the mid 40's tomorrow. My boat was still full of snow on the lift on the north side of the dock but one of my rental bass boats was dry on the south side so I grabbed a crappie rod and took it for a little cruise to a brush pile in the creek. The wind was still and I could set right on it without using my trolling motor. I vertical jigged my Bobby Garland and caught a few nice crappie and came in. It was not bad out at all and is better today. I expect some more fishermen out this afternoon after it warms into the 40's. Everything could have been worse and we are a lot better off than Jonesboro and Memphis who got ice and have power outages. It is melting here already at noon and this will only last a few days and is causing very few problems. February is moving right along and it will be spring soon. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 and book your spring trip. We will not charge you too much and the lake looks great so far as does the resort.