Noefork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozark Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental

The lake level is 552.68 and has dropped 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with about 10 hours generation. The White River at Newport is 12+ feet. It looks like we are back in the 12- ft.mode again for managing the lake but as long as it stays dry it may still drop. I would like it to be 547at the end of April to give us a better chance of not getting high again. A normal year would be great for everybody. I did not go fishing yesterday but we went out and installed a couple of brush piles near Blackburns for our customers. It went pretty good and there are now more places for you to fish. Two of us have permits so we can put in several more trees. The water surface temperature was 47 degrees, the wind was very light, the water clarity was good and the ambient temperature was cold. I would not allow any Fireball or Blackberry Brandy to be consumed in my presence but I suspect a little sneaking was going on with the ambient temperature struggling to get past 30. We will show you where they are when you get here. Warmer today, cooler tomorrow and tomorrow night and then warmer for later in the weekend and early next week. We have a waning last quarter moon and I expect some good fish to be caught the next few days. I will let you know. Several of us will be out. I do not like to wish time away but I am glad January is about over. Bink is still on the temperate bass in Big creek on his spoon and others are still catching small stripers in the river channel near the bridges and in front of Panther Bay Marina. Striper fishing is about to slow down so they better fill their freezers now and get as many as they can until the water cools a little more. Full moon in March is the 18th and just before that they will be on their spawning banks at night on the stick bait and start biting again. Crappie fishing and bass fishing is still the best for me but that is all that I am fishing for except for walleye and I cannot catch any of those. Come on down to Blackburns, we will help you find fish and will not charge you too much and are open all year.  Your first boat stall is free. We especially welcome Police and Veterans.