The lake level is 553.56 and has risen one inch in the last 24-hours with no generation since early afternoon yesterday. The White River at Newport is over 19-feet and is still rising so do not expect much generation for a while. We just got a little rain but there was more south of us. The water on the main lake was still over 50 degrees where I was fishing yesterday and it was even more murky than the day before. It was a brownish color indicating it was runoff. The visibility was almost zero in the main lake and a couple of feet in Blackburns Creek. My blue light is about 8-ft. deep and you could barely see any from the surface. It has been very bright. Visibility is usually much better in January. It must have been from the rain we received on January 2nd when they had flash floods north of us. We have had two major rains in several months accounting for most of the total. December 19th when it raised the lake to 554.82 and the one a week ago. The lake level was 554.82 on December 19th and we have just dropped 1.3 feet since then. The cold front is moving through with wind and then better conditions are expected for most of next week. It was about 39-degrees and the water was choppy and just short of whitecaps at about 3:30 PM on the main lake. I fished for bass and then got tired of fighting the wind and moved back into the creek to crappie fish and caught four keepers but no big ones. No picture fish. It looks to be good fishing conditions starting tomorrow with ambient temperatures get well into the 50. I like that if the wind goes down. Bass are biting well on windblown banks on grubs and jigs and crappie are just fair in brush early and then near the bank part way back in the creek in the evening. Trollers are dragging umbrellas through shad and catching some temperate bass. Bass fishing is the best. Bink is spooning deep water for white bass and hybrids and a few stripers just around a main lake point and catching several. I am fishing an area between Robinson Island and Cranfield Island. Cranfield island is preferred but I just move south as the water color suits me which is stained a little green. Fish will bite in brown water but it is not my favorite and I get out of it when I can. Where brown and green water meet is a good place also part way back in a creek after a rain.