The lake level is 553.32 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with 4-hours of running 1-1/2 generators. The White River at Newport is 2-1/2 feet and is about ready to dry up. It is good for wade fishing but not for boats. It is the same for Calico Rock. It was a beautiful day yesterday with an ambient temperature in the mid 50's and sunny with a south wind. I did see several boats out there between Cranfield Island and the campground in the middle of the lake striper fishing. There were a lot of bait fish out there but not very many fish. The ones that were caught were small and it was a shame to kill them but they just keep doing it. There are several in the 4-8 pound range but they are getting smaller and smaller with no time to grow. They are getting to be almost like the put and take trout in the river. Bink, Tom, Mike, Craig, James, John and Scuba Steve all caught fish but we were fishing for bass, crappie and bluegill. The water is clear and has cooled a bit but that will not continue for the next several days with warm weather scheduled. It does not matter to me what the weather is as long as the wind does not blow. I can dodge the rain. I keep trying to work the area between the brush and the bank in the evening for largemouth and smallmouth bass but am only catching Kentuckies. They are usually there by Thanksgiving but I am not finding them yet. The bait fish are there so it is just a matter of time. We put in a couple of trees under the dock and in front of it cut from my property and the fish are on them already. Blackburns has 28-acres and plenty of cedar trees which are the best ones. We also have the best resort, best prices and your first boat stall is frre with each cabin rented. We will help you catch fish.