This bush is beautiful as you drive into the resort.
The lake level is 553.64 and has dropped just a bit in the last 24-hours with 1/2 generator running several hours. The White River at Newport is at 5+ feet. We have basically been at the same level for several weeks with just enough generation the handle the river inflow. The surface water temperature is 66-degrees in the mornings and the lake is turning over from north to south and is finished in some places. The water is starting to clear again in Blackburns area. It was not a violent turn but gradual as it has been mostly in the last several years. We do not have a violent turn with debris coming up and the water getting muddy as they do in shallower natural lakes and it does not stop fishing. It just scatters the fish out a bit now that they are not a slave to oxygen level and will locate in proximity to cover and food. The water temperature and oxygen will be nearly the same down to about 40-ft. or a little more. As the surface water cools again the lake will clear and fishing will get better. This is when the bass fishermen beating the bank will catch a lot of fish. Crappie will be there also, especially in the late evening. We will see if the stripers go to the bank to feed near dark just before full moon which is the 19th. Sometimes yes sometimes no. It will be worth a try to get those stick baits out and make sure they run true at slow speeds and not pull off to the side. This is my favorite time of year to catch crappie, smallmouth bass and the bigger largemouth. Kentucky bass are alway good this time of year. Walleye will be on shadowy banks at sunset and be near the same banks as the stripers. Go to the walleye rearing pond north of Cranfield island and fish the points. Spoon the steep banks on the south east side of Cranfield marina in the afternoon. Fishing now is just fair but improving. The fish are not feeding heavily, in a feeding frenzy or hammering anything but you can catch some good ones if you are persistent. Drop a spoon on their heads in open water. There are a few schools of mixed white bass, hybrids and small stripers out there and they are starting to hang out at the mouths of the creeks in open water. This is a good time of year overall but the cold fronts just keep coming through hurting the fishing. Fish right up until it rains you out. Do not walk around, fretting if it is going to rain, and stare at your phone if you want to catch fish. After the skies clear and it gets cool and conditions are better for you the fishing will slow for a few days. November 10th is the Marines' birthday and they will be 246 years old and the fishing is almost good by then. The fall foliage report remains not so good but we will see what happens after the frost tomorrow night. My Burning Bush here at Blackburns is very beautiful but that is about it. Come on down to Blackburns and join in on the fun. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free. We hauled new furniture and mattresses all day yesterday and spent all of my money. We need more customers to buy more. You will like what you see when you get here and we will not charge you too much. Ten of our cabins all now have either king or queen beds or both. Not bad. We are proud of this place and are open all year. We have no need to go anywhere else. Furniture Depot is the best place in the area and has the best stuff at the best price and a big inventory. They have it all right at the store. No need to order and wait.