The lake level is 553.64 and has risen one inch in the last 24-hours with almost no generation. It has been cloudy for three days but we only got 1/2 inch total of rain. There was a storm that went just north of us yesterday afternoon but none here. It rained a little last night but all is gone now and it looks like good weather for the next several days. A little has changed as far as fall foliage is concerned and a little red is showing with the brown and yellow with the sumac and burning bushes getting a little red. The rain, as little as it was, helped the dry conditions. I went out for about an hour yesterday and again caught Kentucky Bass, Crappie and Bluegill. I turned all of them loose under my dock. The school is getting big again after hundreds were caught the last couple of weeks. People are catching bluegill, crappie and catfish off the dock every day. There is good news for tournament bass fishermen. The larger smallmouth and largemouth are biting now and they should do well. The top-water bite , which was producing mostly small fish, now has some larger ones with them. Others are catching them also on the spoon and plastic worms. People just keep catching catfish on spoons. My fish were all caught on brush ranging from 25-32 ft. near the top of the brush and on the bottom just around it. I was usuing both the spoon and jig. The top-water fish can be in any depth of water but seem to still be suspended in the 30-ft. range. A lot of creek minnows and bluegill and bass fry and fingerlings are on the bank early and late and predator fish are feeding on them. I am still not catching much back in the creeks and I keep trying when getting out of the wind. I have not caught a walleye in two days. Blackburns has a lot of good fishermen in and more are coming. There was a 78.8 degree water temperature at 4:PM and the water remains a little stained. I am not seeing any temperate bass being caught of any size but there was a report of some white bass being up in Udall a couple of weeks ago but I have not seen any. Blackburns Still has cabins for $59/day and your first boat stall is free. Why pay more? Our pool is still open and there were several children in there yesterday.