The lake level is 556.35 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours with 1-1/2 generators running about 1/2 the time. It is getting close to the power pool of 555.75 but at least 5-feet higher than we would like it for the time of year. November is out rainiest month but we are very dry and can take quite a bit without any problem as long as it does not come fast. The lake has cleared quickly after the holiday and is in excellent condition for fishing. It will be hot this weekend with sunny skies and we have several boaters coming in to enjoy the rest of the summer. The surface water temperature is 84 degrees and good for swimming. Blackburns is on our winter rates and you can get a nice cabin for $59/day. I am going out fishing in the evenings after the work is done and catching fish every day. They are not on fire or in a feeding frenzy but if you spoon or drop shot brush in 32-35 feet of water you can catch fish. Mostly crappie, bass and catfish now. The walleye have slowed a bit with mostly throw backs being caught but just a few keepers. The fish coming up are just outside the brush and are chasing shad out of the cover and are mostly bass. I am not seeing any temperate bass being caught except for an occassional White Bass. I usually catch a few stripers accidently spooning this time of year but not this year. Drop a spoon in 30-35 feet of water in or near brush and you will be surprised what you catch. There are a lot of baitfish out there competing for your lure. Kentucky bass are in a little shallower brush near the bottom and the crappie are above the brush and hit the lure on the drop. I am seeing no fish in open water. People dragging Rapalas are catching a few bass but they are small and they are burning up a lot of gas. Crankbait fishermen are catching a few beating the banks. Bluegill fishing is good on crickets under docks. I am catching no small crappie and all are over 11-inches and the Kentucky Bass are 12-13 inches and fat. The few largemouth that I am catching are throw backs with few keepers. The guys fishing the nightime tournaments are catching some though.