The lake level is 556.53 and has dropped 2-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with 1-1/2 generators running about 1/2 the time. The surface water temperature has dropped to 84 degrees with the much cooler nights with lows in the high 50's. The lake is clearing quicky after the holiday churning and the boat traffic is way down especially after 5:PM. Evening until sunset is my favorite time to fish but not necessarily the best for catching fish. The best bite continues to be from about 6:30 AM until about 10:AM. There are more shad showing up and there is starting to be a top-water bite at sunrise but mostly bass. I am fishing brush in 32-35 feet of water using the 3/8th ounce Bink's spoon and catching several different varieties. Bass, especially Kentucky bass, big crappie, bluegill, some walleye but several are throwbacks, and surprisingly several catfish. The bite is not fast but steady and you can have a lot of fun. The big schools of shad have relatively few predator fish with them with most of the big stripers gone and much fewer White Bass. The high fishing pressure has also reduced the number of Hybrid Stripers. I wish more of them were stocked. None were stocked last year due to Covid and there will be no class of 2020. The fish that reproduce naturally, except for the White Bass, are flourishing. They should come back on their own. Norfork is full of fish and they are getting bigger with less competition for food. It is to get hot again this weekend, with highs in the mid 90's and several people are taking advantage of the summerlike weather and low prices on cabins and boat rentals here at Blackburns for a last hurrah. You can get a one bedroom cabin for $59/day. There are several fishing tournaments in October and it is filling up fast like never before. Come on down to Blackburns and we will not charge you too much. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. Everytime we get a cabin open here we are making improvements. We have bought Lowe's out of counter tops and cabinets. The big pool with slide is open and sparkling clean. You will like what you see when you get here. I am not happy with the high gas prices and wish the country was energy independent again. Cranfield is the best beach and has the best facilities of anywhere on Norfork Lake and is very close to Blackburns. Bidwell and Panther Bay are also good and close. We are in the center of everything including fishing and the closest majot resort to town while still being in the country on 28-acres. I consider a major resort to be one with it's own dock, launch and pool.