Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service yesterday on the spoon.
The lake level is 557.45 and has dropped one inch in the last 24-hours with generation a little over 1/2 the time. They seem to generate pretty hard one day and drop off the next. We received about an inch of rain last night and it was badly needed. It greened things back up but the rain scheduled for today has moved to the south. The weather has cooled to the mid 80's for highs and High 60's for lows. It is to get to 59 early this week for a low. I am ready for things to slow down after this last summer holiday but the phone just keeps ringing with people taking advantage of our low boat rental prices and $59/day cabin rentals starting Tuesday. We have several good fishermen in and they caught some nice fish yesterday. Bass and walleye are the best bite right now and almost everyone is using the jigging spoon. Crappie and bluegill are next with a few catfish thrown in. The surface water temperature is 85-degrees and the lake is at an excellent level and has a good color for fishing. The fishing will get better and better as we go through September and into October until the turnover and then will drop off a bit but not stop and then get better again into the winter as the lake clears again. Thanksgiving is an excellent time for fishing as is all winter. Blackburns is open all year. November is our wettest month.I catch my biggest crappie from November through February. March can be an iffy month with a couple of cold fronts coming through a week and then the mid April top-water bite starts. I am ready. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. We especially welcome Veterans and Police and have a lot of them as customers.