The lake level is 559.40 and has dropped 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with 1-1/2 generators running continuously. They seem to be alternating continuous one day cutting back a few hours the next in orger to keep the White River at Newport at 12-feet while dropping Bull Shoals as fast as they can. They need to do that as it has been very high all year and has been used as a holding pond to keep Table Rock low and protect Branson Landing. We have dodged heavy rains ot they weould not have been able to accomplish that and we all would have been high until winter. As of now the hurricane seems to be going east of us and just affecting northeast Arkansas. This could change but we could get some rain out of it next week. Tennessee, which has gone through some terrible rain, looks to get much more. I wish them the best. We are dry and could take a couple of inches with no trouble. I had an 89-degree surface water temperature in Blackburns Creek yesterday and 88 on the main lake. Our normal ambient high is 86 and drops fairly quicly as we get into September. I am finding several nice bass on the banks part way back in the creeks on bait fish which are everywhere. The rest are mostly on or near brush in the 30-ft. range. Very few are in deep open water. They have all they need in 30-ft. Oxygen, thermocline, cover and feed are all there. Creature baits and spoons are the baits of choice. Plastice worms are also working.