The lake level is 563.40 and has dropped 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with the same generation. We received 0.6 inches of badley needed rain here last night and it could rain more today and tomorrow. It was spotty and there was none downtown. It has cooled down with temperatures to get into the high 80's for a few days before a warm up again. It looks to be a busy weekend here on the lake with several people taking advantage of the last of summer before school starts on Monday. There is one more holiday in about three weeks and then the fishermen can take over the lake again. The lake level remains high but more and more land is showing everyday. 560 seems to be the magic number where most places have all services back but it does not leave any room for rain and could come back up. Just Ask Olatha, Kansas who just got over 8-inches yesterday. Glad it was not here. The clean up on the campgrounds will take some time and they are not in a hurry to do that with the summer ending and then just flood themselves out in the spring. I camped in a tent when I was in the Boy Scouts, again when in the service, bought a pop-up camper later and a motor home after that and a resort after that. No more camping for me. I am not much into pulling trailers anyway. I have 30-boats and rent one when ever I go any place else which is not often. Everything I want is right here on Norfork Lake but we have about all of the boat traffic we need here and do not need to try and get more people to visit. I would not live on Lake of the Ozarks if you gave the whole place to me and I could not sell it. I am all for some growth but this place is about as big as it needs to be. There will be more fishing boats out there now that the excessive heat has broken, the lake has dropped and the brush piles are coming into play for the fall. The fishing looks to be very good if things keep up as they are. Norfork Lake is clear and is full of healthy fish and they have plenty of baitfish to eat and game and fish is doing a good job of keeping it this way. Normal stockings have resumed after covid stopped them last year. We have all had our shots here at Blackburns.