The lake level is 573.11 and is up just a bit from this time yesterday. There was a little generation yesterday afternoon and we recieved about 0.7 inches of badly needed rain. It all soaked in and came slowly. It is cool this morning with temperatures in the high 50's and is to be a very nice day. It is to warm up and be sunny for a couple of days and then get hot again with rain again later in the week and during the weekend. Everything is fine here with the lake in good condition except for the high water restricting launching, parking and swim areas. They just will not let hardly any water out. Fishing is fair early at first light for top-water and then jigging spoons deep after that until about 9:AM. The larger stripers are deep. Some bass can be caught on the old shoreline in the brush and crappie and bluegill are under docks and around the main lake willows. Catfish on Jugs and limblines are fair on live bait. Not much is changing except the stripers are going deeper and the water surface temperature is at about 85 degrees. The lake is not nearly as busy during the week and it is a good time to go out there and avoid the weekend crowd. Sorry we do not allow tents, campers, fireworks and camp fires here at Blackburns. Others do and you will be happier there if that is what you want. Only resort guests are permitted to rent boats. That is a Corps Of Engineer rule. I do not know where it came from but special interest must be involved somewhere. Wow it is busy here.