The lake level is 572.98 and has risen 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with just a bit of generation. Not enough to even take care of the normal summer river inflow. The rule is: Regulate Newport to 12-feet, (nobody knows why there is this stupid rile) If the four-lake system is has 70% or more flood storage in use (we are way above that) regulate to 14-feet. It is now 13-feet and was 12-ft. yesterday. I have to irrigate my garden and the roads are dusty and they are still holding and hoping and trying to hold the lakes up as high as they can for as long as they can. The rules were made during the Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower administrations and must be cast in stone forever. No need for review as long as the tax revenue keeps coming in. It is hot and dry and it looks like it will stay that way until about next Monday. It is great for boaters and swimmers with highs in the low to mid 90's and the lake is in good condition despite the high level. I want to go diving but it is just too busy here but we still have one cabin open for rent. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. The early morning top-water bite for hybrids, small stripers and bass is pretty good but is over by about 6:45 AM. When they go down move to main lake points and get out the jigging spoon. Take the middle of the day off and then go out again about 6:PM until sunset. Morning bite is best. We do not fish for fish deep here as we release most fish and they all die coming up out of deep water. What our customers do is up to them but a big bluegill fillet on a couple of pieces of buttered bread with a slice of onion and some pepper is not bad though. The surface water temperature is about 82 degrees and just right for boating, swimming and diving. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 and she will try and work you in best she can. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental best place best price closest to Mountain Home, dining and shopping on 28-acres with a flat green valley with big playground and large pool with slide.