The lake level is 572.35 and has risen 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running for several hours. Beaver lake is dropping very slowly and remains about 1-1/2 feet from breaching. The rest of the area lakes are rising slowly with dry conditions for the first part of June. There has been very heavy rain south of us and is creating flooding conditions. It was very good that it did not get here as predicted. The lake is clearing more and the surface temperature is rising into the upper 70's. There was a good top-water bite yesterday with people catching fish of all species. Several fish are moving out into open water on shad and trollers are catching and killing a lot of small stripers. It looks like they want to eliminate all of them from the lake so they can go someplace else and decimate another one. At least the normal stocking program has resumed and a new batch will start after the Game and Fish did not stocking any last year because of covid. The high mortality rate due to over fishing and high water seems to affect the bigger ones more than the smaller. People are getting used to catching fish in the 5-9 lb. range now and have forgotten what it used to be like when a 30-pounder was fairly common. At least the bass, crappie and walleye population are very good. The bluegill are very large and plentiful. Catfish are biting on limb lines and throw lines on live bait. The weather remains cloudy and dreary and is to get very warm later this week with highs in the early 90's. The lake overall is in good condition for boating and swimming as well as fishing. Weekend day users are crowding the limited launching and parking and the swim beaches are all gone. It is best to swim off a boat, dock or in a pool and go during the week. The hot weather will bring them out.