Caught fishing with Bink's Guide service Yesterday.
The lake level is 571.72 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with a little generation in the afternoons. All of the area lakes are rising at about the same rates except Beaver which is about stable after they closed the spillway gates. It is still 1-1/2 feet from breeching. It looks like we have a good chance of rain starting this evening and continuing through most of next week. The surface water was 77 degrees in Blackburns Creek yesterday afternoon and 74 on the main lake this morning. It was foggy early but it lifted after sunrise. Fishing was slow Thursday, got a little better Friday and was better again this morning. Walleye, catfish, white bass and smaller hybrids were all biting along with some smaller bass. The bite starts before sunrise and continues until about 10:AM and then quits. The moon is not big and the cloudy skies and warm weather should make them bite a little better during the day. Full moon is the 24th and will make for good bluegill fishing.The lake is a little cool for swimming but more and more are doing it now daily. Blackburns pool was full yesterday. It is very busy here and there is not much time for fishing but there are going to be a lot of them out of here this week. Day users should make plans to get out during the week if possible or launch early. The ramps are very busy weekends with long lines and remote parking. It is not conducive to handicapped people. You have to swim or take a boat to the handicapped fishing dock at Cranfield and the courtesy dock is gone due to high water and it is not getting any better. We can no longer launch here at Blackburns but do have parking near the dock and ask that locals use public areas. Our guests are now launching at Panther Bay and no trailers are allowed at the dock. The lake in general is in good condition and is pretty clear, just high. A little higher will not hurt things much unless we get a big rain all at once. It looks to be a very busy summer with people wanting to get out.