The lake level is 571.24 and has risen 4-inches in the last 24-hours with just a little generation in the afternoons. The surface water temperature has dropped to about 71-degrees but should rise with the warmer weather starting today. This has been a very cool spring with well below average temperatures. The normal high is 81 and low is 60. They are still running Beaver Lake hard and have spillway gates open. It is 1.2 feet from breaching. Table Rock is 9.6 feet, Bull Shoals is 6.8 feet and Norfork is 8.7 feet. All of the area lakes are now one big rain away from trouble but none is in sight. There is just a steady rise except for Beaver which cannot take any more. Day users and campers are in for some disappointments and others some inconvenience on launching and parking. There are no public swim areas open and the old shore line is now over 20-ft. deep. It is best to swim off a dock, boat or in a pool to avoid the brush. Lake access is getting more and more difficult and some courtesy docks are pulled out. Do not expect any relief soon. The lake itself is in good condition with no brown water and just a little debris on wind blown banks that is coming loose from the rising water. Fishing has not been affected and good fish are being caught everyday. Many are on the old shoreline in 20-25 ft. of water and are biting swim baits, top-water lures and spoons. Catfish are hitting limb lines and throw lines on live bluegill. The big bluegill fishing is getting good off docks and if you can find willows. June 11-13 is free fishing weekend and you do not need a fishing license to fish then. It is a good time to get people interested in fishing for free.